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====== M^3 Seminar 2013 ======
25-28 February 2013
This is a joined seminar organized by following institutions:
> [[http://www.inspo.uni-stuttgart.de/aVI/mitarbeiter/Schmitt/|Human Movement Simulation Lab]], Universität Stuttgart (head: Syn Schmitt)
> [[http://www.lauflabor.de|Lauflabor Locomotion Lab]], TU Darmstadt (head: Andre Seyfarth)
> [[http://www.ipa.fraunhofer.de/Biomechatronische_Systeme.83.0.html|Biomechantronic Systems]], Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart (head: Urs Schneider)
> [[http://www.ias.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/Member/JanPeters|Intelligent Autonomous Systems]], TU Darmstadt (head: Jan Peters)
[[http://locomorph.eu|{{:seminar_3m:logo_locomorph.gif?80 |Locomorph}}]]
This seminar is kindly supported by [[http://www.jclarsen.dk/index.php/jclarsen|Jørgen Christian Larsen]] (University of Sourthern Denmark) who provides access to the [[http://modular.tek.sdu.dk/index.php?page=locokit|Locokit Educational Robotic Toolkit]], developed within the [[http://locomorph.eu|EU project Locomorph]].
===== Programme =====
=== Monday 25.2.2013 ===
location: Seminarraum IFS, Magdalenenstr. 27, TU Darmstadt
* 10:00 Opening / Seminar outline (Andre Seyfarth)
* 10:10 Input Talk 1 "The biological motor" (Syn Schmitt) > shifted to Thursday
* **10:50 Break**
* 11:10 Input Talk 2 "What is a perfect foot" (Urs Schneider)
* 11:50 Input Talk 3 "From walking to running" (Andre Seyfarth)
* **12:30 Lunch**
* 14:00 Input Talk 4 "Motor learning in man and machine" (Jan Peters)
* 14:40 Input Talk 5 "LocoKit - A educational robotic toolkit" (Jørgen Christian Larsen, University of Sourthern Denmark)
* **15:20 Break**
* 15:40 Brainstorming for topics (all)
* 16:10 Group building (all)
* 16:45 Closing remarks (Andre Seyfarth)
=== Tuesday and Wednesday 26./27.2.2013 ===
group specific location: IFS TU Darmstadt and/or Stuttgart
* 10:00-17:00 Individual group work
=== Thursday 28.2.2013 ===
location: IPA Stuttgart, Gebäude A, Ebene 2, Seminarräume 1-3
* 10:00 Preparation of group presentations
* **14:00 Final presentations, Introduction (Andre Seyfarth)**
* 14:10 Input talk 1 "The biological motor" (Syn Schmitt)
* 14:40 Presentation Group A (20min + 10 min discussion)
* 15:10 Presentation Group B (20min + 10 min discussion)
* 15:40 Presentation Group C (20min + 10 min discussion)
* 16:10 Feedback on the Seminar
* 16:30 Closing remarks (Andre Seyfarth)
===== Groups A, B and C =====
=== A : Control of Arm and Leg Muscle ===
> (Phillip, Simon, Tanja, Johannes, Christian)
> {{:seminar_3m:06b_groupa.pdf|Outline Group A}}
=== B : Bipedal robot with LocoKit ===
> (Maziar, Dario, Aida, Jorgen)
> {{:seminar_3m:06_group_locobiped.pdf|Outline Group B}}
=== C : Serial elastic actuator with parallel spring ===
> (Alexandra, Mahdy, Martin)
> {{:seminar_3m:06a_group_actuator.pdf|Outline Group C}}
===== Downloads =====
> {{:seminar_3m:07_org_seminar_3m.pdf|General Info on the Seminar}}
=== Input Talks ===
> {{:seminar_3m:09_us_seminar_3m.pdf|U. Schneider: What is a perfect foot?}}
> {{:seminar_3m:08_as_seminar_3m.pdf|A. Seyfarth: From walking to running}}
> {{:seminar_3m:10_jp_seminar_3m.pdf|J. Peters: Motor learning in man and machine}}
> {{:seminar_3m:talk_syn_biological_motor.pdf|S. Schmitt: The biological motor}}
Here you can download the presentation slides:
* [[https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EydOJ5PH2mazM1LTJZWjlsbTA/edit?usp=sharing|Organizational issues (Andre Seyfarth)]]
* [[https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EydOJ5PH2mT1Jhc0d5RE5PWkk/edit?usp=sharing|From walking to running (Andre Seyfarth)]]
* [[https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B5EydOJ5PH2mQ25CeWtHRDN1VFE/edit?usp=sharing|Machine Learning (Jan Peters)]]
=== Project Presentations ===
> {{:seminar_3m:group_a_control_of_leg_muscles.pdf|Group A: Control of leg muscles}}
> {{:seminar_3m:group_b_biped_with_locokit.pdf|Group B: Building Biped Robots with LocoKit}}
> {{:seminar_3m:presentation_group_c.pdf|Group C: What is a good actuator?}}
===== Module Info =====
> IFS TU Darmstadt: This seminar is part of Module 03-04-0576 Sensor-basierte Analyse- und Simulationssysteme