Master Theses
Year | Author | Title |
2020 | Maximilian Stasica | Comparison of Human Motor Control Models and their application to robotics |
2019 | Akhil Sanand | Put Title here |
2018 | Sarah Dorsch | Sensorimotor processing of a neuromechanical hopping model |
2018 | Patrick Scholl | Modeling Postural Control in Parkinson's Disease |
2017 | Andrej Scherf | Design of a haptic manipulator for ankle joint motions |
2017 | Pauline Reiff | |
2016 | Niclas Eschner | Development of Biomechanical Models for the Assessment of the Stump-Socket Interaction in Lower Limb Prosthesis |
2016 | Filip Cengic | Haptic Device Control |
2015 | Jonathan Öhlke | Realization and optimization of robotic hopping motions using bio-inspired virtual model control |
2015 | Jonas Diehl | Pronationskraft des Schlagarms am Beispiel von Tennisspielern |
2014 | Christian Schumacher | Influence of mechanical and leg muscle properties on long jump performance |
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