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biomechanik:modellierung:mm4:tbm [11.07.2017 08:38] – [Template & Anchor concept] Maziar Sharbafibiomechanik:modellierung:mm4:tbm [28.11.2022 00:58] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 20: Zeile 20:
 Before describing template based modeling we first summarize the challenges on robotics specially legged robots. See the following video for entering the discussion. Before describing template based modeling we first summarize the challenges on robotics specially legged robots. See the following video for entering the discussion.
-{{youtube>large:38UUpe9CokY|Challenges in robotics (Russ Tedrake)}}\\+{{ youtube>38UUpe9CokY?large |Challenges in robotics (Russ Tedrake)}}\\
 Inspired from what Russ said the challneges of the current technologies in robotics can be summarized in Fig. 1. Expensive robots reauiring highe precision sensors and actuators, with complex and accurate controller which needs precise design and manufacturing requiring huge amunt of energy are too far from biological locomotors. Inspired from what Russ said the challneges of the current technologies in robotics can be summarized in Fig. 1. Expensive robots reauiring highe precision sensors and actuators, with complex and accurate controller which needs precise design and manufacturing requiring huge amunt of energy are too far from biological locomotors.
biomechanik/modellierung/mm4/tbm.1499755109.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 28.11.2022 00:57 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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