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abschlussarbeiten:msc:filipcengic [22.06.2016 15:39] – [Schedule] Filip Cengicabschlussarbeiten:msc:filipcengic [28.11.2022 00:11] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Haptic Device Control ====== +====== 2017 Filip Cengic ====== 
- +{{indexmenu_n>5}} 
-^ Title              | Haptic Device Control |+^ Title              | Human-in-the-loop haptic modelling of one-legged locomotion |
 ^ Supervision        | [[|Prof. Dr. phil. Andre Seyfarth]] ([[|TU Darmstadt]]) | ^ Supervision        | [[|Prof. Dr. phil. Andre Seyfarth]] ([[|TU Darmstadt]]) |
 ^ Assistance         | [[|Ildar Farkhatdinov]] ([[|Imperial]]) | ^ Assistance         | [[|Ildar Farkhatdinov]] ([[|Imperial]]) |
 ^ Author             | [[|Filip Cengic]] | ^ Author             | [[|Filip Cengic]] |
-^ Last edit          | 18Mai 2016 |+^ Last edit          | 23Feb 2017 | 
 +^ PDF-Version        | {{ :abschlussarbeiten:msc:filipcengic:thesis2017-02-16_cengic.pdf |CENGIC THESIS}} |
Zeile 21: Zeile 22:
 The main idea was to connect a wrist haptic interface (Imperial College London) with a virtual walking model (Department of Biomechanics, TU Darmstadt). The main idea was to connect a wrist haptic interface (Imperial College London) with a virtual walking model (Department of Biomechanics, TU Darmstadt).
 \\ \\
 The task would be, to develope a software interface in Labview which will include The task would be, to develope a software interface in Labview which will include
   * walking/running dynamic model integration using integrated Matlab coding block, so that it can be integrated with a physical haptic interface   * walking/running dynamic model integration using integrated Matlab coding block, so that it can be integrated with a physical haptic interface
abschlussarbeiten/msc/filipcengic.1466602767.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 28.11.2022 00:10 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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