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3M Seminar 2013

25-28 February 2013

This is a joined seminar organized by following institutions:

Human Movement Simulation Lab, Universität Stuttgart (head: Syn Schmitt)
Lauflabor Locomotion Lab, TU Darmstadt (head: Andre Seyfarth)
Biomechantronic Systems, Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart (head: Urs Schneider)
Intelligent Autonomous Systems, TU Darmstadt (head: Jan Peters)


This seminar is kindly supported by Jørgen Christian Larsen (University of Sourthern Denmark) who provides access to the Locokit Educational Robotic Toolkit, developed within the EU project Locomorph.


Monday 25.2.2013

location: Seminarraum IFS, Magdalenenstr. 27, TU Darmstadt

Tuesday and Wednesday 26./27.2.2013

group specific location: IFS TU Darmstadt and/or Stuttgart

Thursday 28.2.2013

location: IPA Stuttgart, Gebäude A, Ebene 2, Seminarräume 1-3

Groups A, B and C

A : Control of Arm and Leg Muscle

(Phillip, Simon, Tanja, Johannes, Christian)
Outline Group A

B : Bipedal robot with LocoKit

(Maziar, Dario, Aida, Jorgen)
Outline Group B

C : Serial elastic actuator with parallel spring

(Alexandra, Mahdy, Martin)
Outline Group C


Input Talks

Project Presentations

Module Info

IFS TU Darmstadt: This seminar is part of Module 03-04-0576 Sensor-basierte Analyse- und Simulationssysteme