



Using haptic control in robotic devices requires a high amount of adaptational skills. In order to control the actuation of a mechanical representation of the human leg, the biomechanics of human anatomy and movement need to be fully understood. By using the simplified spring-loaded inverted pendulum model (SLIP) approach, individual muscle contributions to each leg segment are cumulated and result in a summarized force applied within a virtual prismatic spring symbolizing the human leg. Experimental simulation trials for running have been recorded and quantified. A one-legged SLIP model with variable input parameters has been developed and implemented within a haptic environment for lower limb control. By applying external forces to the point mass or manipulating the spring stiffness in real-time, running gets unstable and the model falls down after a few steps have been made. Under the concept haptic interaction measures, SLIP parameters may be manipulated during the ground contact in order to stabilize the running pattern.


abschlussarbeiten/msc/filipcengic/chap0/abstract.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 28.11.2022 01:11 von

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