



First and foremost, I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Ildar Farkhatdinov of the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London, whose support and guidance made my thesis work possible. During my stay in London, he steered me in the right the direction, he has been actively interested in my work and has always been available to advise me. I am very grateful for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge in the field of haptics that, taken together, made him a great mentor.

I would also like to thank Dr. Franck Gonzales who designed (under the supervision of Prof. Etienne Burdet) the lower level controller for the haptic device interface. Without his expertise and willingness to help while providing necessary input, this work could not have been successfully conducted.

I would like to acknowledge the Institute of Sports Science at Technical University of Darmstadt. My graduate experience benefitted greatly from the courses I took, the opportunities I had under Professor André Seyfarth to serve as a teaching assistant, and the high-quality seminars that the department organized.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge friends and family who supported me during the last 6 months. I would like to thank Karim Simon as the reviewer of this thesis, and I am gratefully indebted for his very valuable comments on this thesis.

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